Bible Study
Will be held on Monday evenings at 7.30pm in The Reade Hall, Monea as announced. All ages are welcome.
Devenish Bowls Club meets each Saturday at 7.45pm (first Sat in Sept until Easter). Annual bowling tournament is held during the 3rd week in October. All ages welcome.
President Tommy Cathcart
Chairman David Ferguson
Secretary Pam Harpur
Treasurer Maud Ferguson
Captain Stuart Hassard
Choir Practice
Held as announced.
Girl Guides
Meet each Friday from 7.00pm - 8.15pm.
Mother's Union
Held on third Tuesday of the month at 8.00pm in the Reade Hall and runs from September through until April.
Branch Leader: Georginia Whittaker
Secretary: Carol Whittaker
Treasurer: Barbara Buchanan
Overseas: Lorraine Ferguson
Hospitality: Maud Ferguson
Bible Readings: Pearl Bell
Illness Visitor: Kay McKeown
Programme for 2021:
Sunday School
We welcome children from 4 years of age until they are confirmed.
Sunday School is held each Sunday morning, unless otherwise announced, in the Reade Hall (just opposite Devenish Parish Church) from 10.45am to 11.25am. The Sunday School Superintendent is Miss Dorothy Scott.
In Boho Sunday School is held in the vestry during the church service.
The Sunday School Superintendent is Mrs Barbara Buchanan.