Devenish Parish Church




Graveyard Regulations and Fees with effect from 1st January 2017.





(1) No burial can take place without the prior permission of the Officiating Minister and Churchwardens.


(2) The allocation of graves is restricted to Church of Ireland parishioners (including any member of the Church of Ireland dying in the Parish), accustomed parishioners, and to residents of the Parish, no matter what religious denomination they belong to, and who die within the Parish of Devenish. New grave plots will only be allocated after a death, and will be subject to the direction of the Officiating Minister and Churchwardens as to the place of burial.


(3) No burial may take place while a service or Sunday School is being held, nor within half an hour before or after the same.


(4) Persons retaining the right of burial do not acquire ownership of any grave plot. The interest in a burial plot may only be registered in one name, but such registration is not to be deemed to exclude the interest of other members of the family. No transference of burial rights can be made or recognized.


(5) Persons retaining the right of burial shall keep the grave plot in good order. Failure to do so will allow the Officiating Minister and Churchwardens to have the same plot put in good order at the expense of the party neglecting it. Wreaths, artificial flowers, or moveable tablets, may be permitted on graves with the consent of the Officiating Minister and Churchwardens, but they shall be removed when they become unsightly, or after three months. Glass wreaths are not permitted.


(6) Plans for all erections on graves must be submitted to the Officiating Minister and Churchwardens for approval, together with the appropriate fees. Proposed inscriptions thereon can only be allowed with the previous permission of the Officiating Minister and Churchwardens, and such approvals will be notified in writing before any work can commence. In the New Graveyard, headstones only are permitted on burial plots; no surrounds or kerbing of any kind is allowed. In the Old Graveyard, permission for the erection of surrounds and kerbing will be at the Select Vestry’s discretion.


(7) No shrubs, bushes or trees may be planted on graves


(8) After a burial it is recommended that a family or subscriber erect a headstone if there is none present, this allows for a grave plot to be easily identified.


(9) All graves will be allocated in numerical order.


(10) Each double grave plot is eight feet long by eight feet wide.


(11) The surface of any graves must be kept level with the surrounding ground and no digging of any kind may be carried out except with the prior consent of the Officiating Minister and Churchwardens. It is recommended that on opening a grave, the top sod should be cut and rolled back to be replaced after burial. Grass cover must be maintained over grave plots at all times.




Additional Regulations for the New Graveyard:


(12) Church of Ireland parishioners (including any member of the Church of Ireland dying in the parish) have a general right of burial therein, subject to direction of the Officiating Minister and Churchwardens as to the place of burial.


(13) All burials in the New Graveyard, including burials in existing grave plots, must be conducted by the Officiating Minister, or another member of the clergy approved by the Officiating Minister.








Graveyard Fees:


The Fees as set by the Select Vestry, having the consent of Diocesan Council (which can be revised at any time), are set out below.


The Undertaker will be responsible for ensuring that the appropriate fees are paid to the Graveyard Treasurer, immediately following the burial.



New Grave Plots:


For Subscribers to Devenish Parish No1 Account (of a minimum of £120 per year for the last two years);

New Grave Plot Fee £50


For Non-Subscribers (or paying less than £120 per year for the last two years):

New Grave Plot Fee £1500



Burial Fees:


For Subscribers of a minimum of £50 per year to Devenish Parish (No1 Account) or the Graveyard (No 2 Account):

Burial Fee £50


For Non-Subscribers (or paying less than £50 per year):

Burial Fee £500.00




Erection of Headstone:                        £50.00  


Erection of Headstone and Surround: £100.00 (where permitted)