Boho Parish Church was originally built in 1777 and restored around 1830. It is a very simple three-bay hall with a lobbied entrance under the tower and a small vestry outshot on the north wall. The structure incorporates a medieval doorcase in the west wall, brought from the pre-reformation site, to the north of the present building.
The seating, with the holy table against the east wall, providing for ministration from the north side follows Calvinist practice.
The railing of the sanctuary is of the simplest form and is likely to be original. Some reorganisation of furnishings has taken place at the east end to provide for a Choir and it is likely that the pulpit was once positioned centrally in front of the holy table. This arrangement was quite common until the middle of the nineteenth century.
The font remains in its traditional place, close to the west entrance.
The church was extended in 2012 to include a kitchen and toilet facilities.